A growing archive of design experiments
A growing archive of design experiments
A growing archive of design experiments
A growing archive of design experiments
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Motto® is a global branding agency founded by Sunny and Ashleigh. Besides their branding services they also do a lot of public speaking. The website let's this all shine in a fun way with a lot micro interactions.
Motto® is a global branding agency founded by Sunny and Ashleigh. Besides their branding services they also do a lot of public speaking. The website let's this all shine in a fun way with a lot micro interactions.
Motto® is a global branding agency founded by Sunny and Ashleigh. Besides their branding services they also do a lot of public speaking. The website let's this all shine in a fun way with a lot micro interactions.
Client name
Art direction, Web design, Interaction design
Art direction, Web design, Interaction design
It was our responsibility to educate ourselves about the Romani diaspora and understand communities we're not too familiar with. It was about communicating with the clients of Romani descent to further acknowledge and ask about distinct qualities which speak to Romani culture. It can include the patterns found in the wardrobe, the art, and more.
It was our responsibility to educate ourselves about the Romani diaspora and understand communities we're not too familiar with. It was about communicating with the clients of Romani descent to further acknowledge and ask about distinct qualities which speak to Romani culture. It can include the patterns found in the wardrobe, the art, and more.

There was an artistic overlap between other cultures upon first glance, but it was about acknowledging the subtle differences which make it distinct and apparent such as the Romani flag icon, California poppies and an abstract, psychedelic at-times arrangement throughout the episodes. Something that was beyond the typical tarot cards, which the client implored. In order to translate to different mediums, a pattern design to be used throughout the series is what we've found to be most effective.
There was an artistic overlap between other cultures upon first glance, but it was about acknowledging the subtle differences which make it distinct and apparent such as the Romani flag icon, California poppies and an abstract, psychedelic at-times arrangement throughout the episodes. Something that was beyond the typical tarot cards, which the client implored. In order to translate to different mediums, a pattern design to be used throughout the series is what we've found to be most effective.

Make more organic
Create specific design elements
Make a darker palette
Final Direction
We’ve landed on the final direction by giving the clients various design directions, which spoke to Romani culture. They resonated well with the prominent serif wordmark and the floral pattern brought in the 3rd dimension to give a new perspective in a modern and bold design approach. After green-lighting the final direction, we’ve embarked on all things marketing.
Final Direction
We’ve landed on the final direction by giving the clients various design directions, which spoke to Romani culture. They resonated well with the prominent serif wordmark and the floral pattern brought in the 3rd dimension to give a new perspective in a modern and bold design approach. After green-lighting the final direction, we’ve embarked on all things marketing.

"Really amazed by all of the artwork!"
-Paulina Stevens, subject of the series